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What difference can ONE CHURCH make?

Korean Bible with Pen and Notes


Great Commission

More than 1.5 billion people lack access to the Gospel, 2,000 years after the mandate was given.

Until recently, local churches have relegated themselves for decades to impersonal involvement.

They are now answering the call!

What difference can YOUR CHURCH make?

Church Owned Bible Translation

Native speakers are empowered and equipped

     Using resources and tools created by linguists and software specialists.

          They’re able to complete translation of the Scriptures quickly and accurately

               Under the guidance and authority of the local church

                     Here and abroad.

Supporting Local Church Leadership through
Church Owned Bible Translation

With training and technology, the local church can take the reins in leading Bible translation efforts.


They have ownership of the Bible

translation project from the very

beginning and use the Scripture in

their heart language for preaching, discipleship, and evangelism.

Wycliffe Associates provides…




Logistical Support

You can join in this transformational work! 
Don’t let the thousands of communities
without God’s Word in their heart language wait any longer.
View our Strategy and Contact Us today.
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